Mar 21Liked by Kim Thai

The aspirations vs rules concept is so soothing. True happiness is something I struggle with during times of deep mourning which I find myself wondering if happiness is possible in moments of discomfort and disparity. When I dig deep and allow myself to feel joy, to smile in the midst of heartbreak, I’m reminded that it’s my mind that’s wired for negativity and at any moment I can pull away from the caveman brain and into my practice. I’m actively re-wiring. We all are. I’m so happy to read this blog this morning, it really resonated. Sending big love to you

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Mariaaaaa! It's so good to see you in our space here. Thank you for your share. Yes, I think understanding that we are capable of holding deep heartbreak and also joy can be a bit of a mindf*ck but it is possible! In fact, it's the most human thing to hold both the light and dark in our everyday. It's just the practice of how do we remember that the light is always there <3 Thank you for being a light on my day today :)

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